Saturday, October 23, 2021

Halloween has taken an interesting turn

Walking around the neighborhood, especially at night, there seems to be an abundance of Halloween decorations adorning yards that was missing last year. Of course there are the modest pumpkins adorning stairs or porches. Then there are the seriously over-the-top huge spider webs and multiple skeletons and ghouls hanging from trees. Ghosts and goblins abound. But what caught my eye was something so unexpected, so amusing, and so wonderful, I had to share.

What you can't tell from the photo is that the dinosaur is actually made of metal, so I suspect it is there to stay. The hapless victim appears to be a clown.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wonderful wall mosaic

There's a little shopping center on a corner near my house. It consists of a tiny grocery store, a barber shop, and a couple of mom and pop eateries. The best part is a giant wall mosaic in the outdoor table area. It makes me smile.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dave the Animal Guy...

Dave is the animal whisperer who helped us introduce Nellie to our other furry resident, Kuma. Since Kuma isn't the most well-mannered dog when it comes to other dogs (cats, skunks, or anything else that moves), having Dave around to ease the meet and greet made all the difference for getting our two rescues to unite. He also trained Nellie not to leave the house or run through our garden gates without a direct command. That is something that can save a dog's life.

Well, Dave has set up a YouTube channel with all sorts of good insights and advice on living with wildlife and your furred, feathered and scaled friends. I don't always agree 100% with what he espouses, but I do think he has some very interesting insights. Thus, I wanted to share the link to his channel. For those who are as nuts about creatures other than human beings as I am, it's worth checking out.