Friday, January 14, 2022

A case of the zoomies

On our walks, Nellie and I frequently visit an adorable little dog named Shanna. Shanna is a bit of a princess, as she demands ear and tummy rubs every time we go by. Her guardian has given us carte blanche to enter her yard so we may do full justice to her demands. Over the months, she and Nellie have become buddies. Yesterday was a first though. 

As I was dutifully giving Shanna her scratches and rubs, Nellie starting zooming around the yard like a dog possessed. She was doing twirls and what looked like cartwheels. Shanna and I stood there in disbelief. Then Shanna decided to figure out what was going on and walked over to Nellie (who had FINALLY come to a halt). For fun, I pulled out my phone to see what would happen and this is a more sedate result:

Mind you, when I take her to a dog park to romp and play, she hides behind me the entire time. Go figure. And to the very observant among you, yes, Nellie desperately needs a haircut.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

A little late but still in the spirit

Yes, Christmas has (sort of) come and gone, though many houses are still sporting lights and other decor of the season. One of my favorites just came to my attention yesterday, as Nellie and I were strolling down a street we hadn't visited in a while. You may remember the dinosaur from Halloween. She's changed her outfit to be a fearsome Santa:

On another note, as I was puttering around the yard, the seashell birds I tucked away in a hollowed tree stump made me smile. Happy new year:

Just in case someone thinks I had the talent to create that ensemble from coral and seashells, the answer is no. But I sure know cute when I see it.