I'm hardly a fragile flower, but every now and then my age and sheer stupidity match up. Out walking Nellie and at the intersection, as is my custom, I back up to signal to cars they can go before I try to cross the street. This time, things did not go as planned. I fell. Hard. On the sidewalk.
Now's here an example of how people can be so wonderful. The car I stopped for immediately pulled over. Another man stopped his car and approached with kind words and strong arms to get me up. He was so kind and disappeared so quickly, I feel he didn't get enough in the way of thanks. As I stood, there appeared three firefighters who were grabbing my hat and cane off the sidewalk and checking to make sure I was not seriously injured. They were just passing by when they saw the drama. First question, of course, is did you hit your head. Answer: no, thank goodness. No concussion. They wanted me to take a few steps to make sure I could walk; asked if I wanted a ride home; checked I had a phone with me if I suddenly felt worse. All good.
The firefighter mystique is true. All of them were gorgeous. I swear it is a requirement for hire. Now, do NOT think that doing something as stupid and graceless as tripping on the sidewalk is a good way to meet strong, caring, good-looking guys. Especially since you aren't guaranteed they will be passing by at exactly the right moment. And, lovely as they were, the man who stopped immediately to jump out of his car and actually pulled me up is the true hero.
Thank goodness for caring people.