Saturday, December 25, 2021

A little art, a little cutie

It's been raining for two days which has been a blessing in our drought-stricken area. In between storms, however, Nellie and I still brave the deep puddles and go on our walks. Today was special. Being Christmas Day meant little to no traffic in the neighborhood and a quiet calm soothed the spirit as we ambled around streets we've not been on in a while. Though I'm a Bah Humbug! type, I do enjoy seeing the sparkling lights and interesting decorations people come up with for the season. But what catches my eye? Why a spectacular long-leaf pine tree and a Maine Coon cat.

The tree canopy is just a perfect shape and is so majestic, I couldn't resist a snap of it.

And now for the little, well actually quite large, cat named Fluffy. Fluffy is a neighbor and he's one of only two cats who have ever approached me, especially while walking a dog. Fluffy not only approaches, he will willingly come when called, and then he headbutts me for pets. Of course, I do have a reputation for awesome ear and butt rubs in our walking area (four-leggeds only), so I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. He is so cuddly he practically jumps in your arms to snuggle. Since having a cat companion at home is not possible, I confess I rather look forward to our meet and greet time. And of course, he is gorgeous.

 Hope everyone had a lovely and bright day. 🎄

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