Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Nellie and Rascal saying goodbye

In my years of living in this house, we have had one, and only one, letter carrier who has always gone above and beyond, not to mention just getting it right. He knows how to read addresses correctly, he checks for outgoing mail even if you don't have any incoming, he moves packages out of street view and when he's delivering a package, he rings the bell to let you know it's there. He's kind and incredibly patient with crazy, barking dogs. Nellie has always liked him whenever we're out and about, but let him come up on the porch -- all bets are off. Howling ensues. Rascal has added to the din, as he is a barker who has perfected his skills over 14 years. Never fazed Billy our mail carrier. I went around the neighborhood alerting people to his impending departure (retirement much deserved) and encouraged thank you notes. If they wanted to add a little gift, so much the better. I shouldn't have been astonished by all of the people I talked to being totally on board. The enthusiastic responses were heartwarming. In addition to the card and gift, Nellie and Rascal wanted to make sure he knew they were going to miss giving him grief whenever he came up the steps to deliver mail. Today was his last day on the job:


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