Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cold Weather Heats Up the Imagination

For SoCal it's cold, though normal people don't find this daunting, of late, I do. So, if it isn't conducive weather for having hands in ice cold water getting labels off bottles or puttering in the garden, the next best thing is getting ideas for future projects. There's still a good deal of tile work to accomplish and it's always nice to curl up with a good book or a computer for ideas. The side stoop and back porch need doing/finishing. This is what the front porch looks like:

For the back and side, it seems something less formal is in order and a day spent with pictures is a good way to start. While in Japan, I noticed the train station had the most amazing mosaic wall. It'd be fun to design a sun motif and use the asymmetry to good effect. On the other hand, as the sidewalk brickwork shows below, geometrics can look amazing too. Decisions, decisions. 

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