Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pinterest and Other Addictions

I realized the other day that I have a serious addiction. Whether Pinterest found me or the other way around, is not certain. No one can accuse me of being an early adopter for things Internet, though I do try to stay informed of the latest apps, social media sites and all the wailing that surrounds them. In the main, however, mostly I try out what I think is of practical use and pretty much ignore the rest. And then came Pinterest. As the person responsible for my work's social media, I've made a fair stab at Facebook, Twitter and blogging. All pretty straightforward.When it was suggested we open a Pinterest account, I groaned at the idea of more work. Even though I was happy enough strolling through the site for program or craft ideas, it really didn't grab my attention away from the all the other things that called out for immediate action. 

And then, it seduced me. I was looking for a mortar recipe for cementing wine bottles through Google's image search (who here doesn't start out that way?). Those searches kept linking me to Pinterest, and that kept linking me to other Pinterst boards or pins or whatever the heck they're called. As I descended further down the rabbit hole, I told myself what all addicts say, "I can quit at any time." And that must be true - though quitting is not on the list for today. The siren song of flitting from one image to another in rapid succession is just too strong. Discovering another blog of like-minded eco-nuts is simply too tempting. So I set limits: "Only 10 minutes at lunch. " I mutter. "No more than 1/2 an hour after work," I exclaim. And, like most addicts, those limits get blown.

Well, it could be worse I suppose. I could also be addicted to taking pictures of gardens all the time. 
Whoops! Yes - more pictures of gardens.

The garden is still very raw as it is newly planted, but the 2 tortoises with the wind vane as the
centerpiece of this front yard was just to good to ignore.
Did I mention I'm a sucker for shiny cobalt blue?

Too bad they aren't ready to pull up the lawn yet,
but making the wonderful border reduces overspray
to almost zero.

This charmer with one ear is the only cat I can keep at my house. He keeps an eye on the front door for us.

And, just in case you're wondering, we still don't have a Pinterest account at work. If we did, I'd never get anything else done all day and that would be very bad. Mmmm....

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