Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Lady v. Chicken -- a draw?

I know you've been holding your breath since the last post to find out who's smarter: the lady or the chicken. I'm pleased to say I WON! Well, sort of.

After spending the morning in the front thicket wrestling cactus that have worn out their welcome, I went round to the back to do my first ever stakeout. Ninja's habit is to arrive for brunch sometime between 11 am and noon. I stole into the garage, grabbed a stool, and positioned myself so I had a clear view of her lair, but she couldn't really see me (not that she would necessarily be looking). I was getting bored and thought about taking some photos or checking my email when a streak of chicken went by. And I do mean streak. She shot out of her nest like a canon ball to the water dish, flew across the patio to her feeding area, and tucked in. Considering she had not eaten for 24 hours, I wasn't surprised at her haste, but as always was taken aback at just how fast she can be. This is her home:

While she was happily (or exhaustedly) taking her dust bath, I crept over with a basket to raid the eggs if I could find them. I confess, if I had a desk at that moment to bang my head on, well let's just say, the nest was a bit more obvious than I expected - if you knew where to look. There they were, these pretty little perfect eggs, still warm from her feathered mothering. Without a qualm in the world, they were in the basket and I was creeping into the house.

Her response when she realized her eggs were gone was heartbreaking. At first she looked confused, then pissed off. She kept checking where they were and then where they might be. If I didn't know it would be for her own good and health, I would've felt like a monster. But within half an hour, she was back to tearing up my garden with all the aplomb of a lady who knows that the game is not over, and she has many tricks under her wing.

1 comment:

  1. With all the anxiety and drama a new family member brings, she finally shares her gifts. Congratulations!
