Sunday, July 5, 2020

Duh! I FINALLY figured out why Ninja chose to live here .

I'm not a big believer in signs or superstitions, but as I was coming back from my dog walk after making a wonderful free find (more on that later), it suddenly dawned why Ninja was attracted to living on our modest homestead. Why the penny didn't drop weeks ago -- well I'm chalking that up to retirement haze (yes that's a thing I just made up).

When we moved into our home, there was (is) a cinder block wall for the backyard, which, while affording some privacy, was certainly not attractive. Reluctant to take the time and expense of painting, stuccoing, or some other more decorative covering, I decided instead to start covering it with found objects. These include things like an old scythe and pitchfork, old clocks, and assorted miscellaneous objet d'art. Lo and behold, one of the first items I added to the wall were the following plates:

And in context :

Clearly the majesty of the seriously stylish (silly) roosters would call to any self-respecting hen. Then to clinch the whole thing, on my dog walk, I picked up two wonderful plates from a box that said FREE:

Anybody else notice the resemblance to Ninja? I sure do.

To say this was destiny may be going some, but there they are -- all the signs that Ninja would seek us out and then decide to stay. Invited or not.

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