Thursday, July 16, 2020

Not being able to have nice things #3,492

Remember a couple of posts ago I showed the colorful corks I stuck on the pointy bits of the agave lining the footpath? I even mentioned in that post that I expected that a cork or two might be taken by passersby. I was so wrong! Someone stole every single cork off every plant, and even came round to the front, where my corks had been happily cheering up walkers for months, and took most of those too. Apparently, trying to have fun and make people smile is not allowed. Say goodbye:

Not to be daunted, I am preparing another garden project and so far it looks like this:

Can anyone guess what these will morph into? And don't worry, the finished products will be securely fastened to prevent theft. I mind about the corks, but they are not a huge loss in the grand scheme of things. But woe betide the mortal who messes with my other projects!

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