Thursday, July 9, 2020

Possum and Ninja and projects, oh my

Well, the possum decided to move on in short order and declined the food and water. Fair enough. And that night, I saw another possum who was not so thrilled that my big bear wanted to get up in her business. Seeing one possum in a day is remarkable, but two means the universe is trying to right itself. When we moved to our neighborhood, we saw raccoons, possums, skunks and coyotes regularly. In fact, there was a racoon family that liked to lounge on our patio furniture and looked askance when one of the mere humans wanted to take advantage of a cool evening. The last few years have seen a huge decline in wildlife, so to see a couple of very cute critters who've been absent for too long is a blessing.

Tonight was watering the yard night and Ninja was fine with that until I stopped watering to work on a project or two. Since evening was rapidly approaching I suspect she wanted to get settled for the night, so she stood on our wall and read me the riot act. The mouth on that girl is astounding.

Speaking of projects, I discovered an old dresser drawer that someone had made into a keepsake shelf. I liked the idea of that and am in the process of scraping off their background to figure out what I'd like to do instead. Here it is partially scraped off:

When I complete the transformation, I'll post a picture.

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