Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Epic Fail

Naturally one prefers to note accomplishments over failures, but this is a real faux pas. Though I will add it was not for lack of sewing skills, but rather the nature of the material: screening I've used successfully on the exterior of windows to give shade during the summer heat. What I didn't take into account was the tendency to curl and twist and resist absolutely any remediation efforts to get it to behave. 

I was trying to replace a fly screen for our back door (which we leave open for the dogs). A kind neighbor had given me a roll of window screen material and I spent waaaay too long making the (in my mind at least) perfect fly screen. And it worked very well for a time. Unfortunately the screen is so stiff, it started to crack with repeated coming and going. Hence the new screen project. Arrrrgggghhhh.

The original:

The complete disaster:

Clearly the flies are laughing as they zoom through the huge gaps. I kinda don't blame them. Back to the drawing board. Sigh.

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