Thursday, June 24, 2021

Street of fairy gardens

On a street a mere two blocks away, the neighbors got together and decided to have fun making fairy house scenes. This is the same street that was highlighted in a previous post with the gnomes in a tree. At the time, I didn't realize the extent of the project. Some of the displays are not exactly in the true fairy house genre, but the decorations are fun nonetheless. Alas, the shadows from the trees made it difficult to get the kind of clear pictures to truly show off some of the work, but if you enlarge the photo by clicking on it, it will show you more detail.

These first two intrigued me because they are made from twigs and small pebbles: 

Apparently, even fairies shop at country stores:

I think the old man is a gnome, but don't quote me:

Gotta love the frogs:

A mushroom house is a wonderful idea:

Not sure what's supposed to be going on here, but it's colorful:

A charming fairy inn:

And last, but definitely going for the gold, an entire village:

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed. Your neighbors are creative geniuses.
