Thursday, February 24, 2022

A squirrel's booty...or bounty...depending on your lingo

For some reason, squirrels are either regarded as adorably cute, or huge pests. I lean to the adorably cute persuasion. As Nellie and I were walking the other day, I noticed a squirrel carrying something almost bigger than she was. Upon closer inspection, it was a gourd. Naturally I whipped out the phone to record. The following is the squirrel violently twitching her tail to tell us to back off from her prize. Which we did. 

Later that evening, we noticed that she had made a good feast out of her prize. The remains:

I confess to feeding the squirrels around my house, and a couple will even come within a couple of feet to get a prized walnut. While it is very sweet, it is also dangerous behavior because wild should stay wild. I'm just a sucker for their begging. Please don't tell the squirrel police!

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