Thursday, March 31, 2022

A Goose Going to School?

What happens when a wild goose decides to attend classes? Well, I honestly don't know, but one was gracing the playing field at a local school. Couldn't resist taking a picture or two. And now for the frustrating/sad part. The kid in the gray sweatshirt decided it would be loads of fun to kick a ball at this beautiful creature. Of course I yelled. Fortunately, the little ass wipe missed.


Sunday, March 27, 2022


Our walks usually mean running into other doggie peeps and chatting for a bit before moving on. These meetings are important for creating neighborly ties, and equally important for allowing dogs to socialize with those of their kind. Yesterday evening, Nellie hit the jackpot. We ran into two of her good buddies, a Schipperke named Bert, and adorable Felix. After treats were duly passed out to the fur-babies (I am extremely popular among the four-legged set and it's not for my sparkling personality), Felix invited us into his yard for a zoomie session. The result? Very happy pups who were able to get some of their energy out:


Saturday, March 26, 2022

An effort to appreciate allergies

'Tis the season to be sniffling, sneezing, and otherwise feeling like nature is out to get you. Here's how I respond to that particular misery -- I look for beautiful and, yes, unusual plants to feel good about. Today's selection:

Trees that bloom are just perfect in their own right. This next plant is unusual because the shapes the blossoms take. Like tiny creatures from another planet:

Yes, I have a love/hate relationship with Spring.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

What's not to love?

One of the wonderful things about walking around with Nellie is she's often shy about meeting new people and dogs, but she's not overly reactive or aggressive. Even when those dogs are a little overeager (mostly because she is sooooo adorable). One such dog is a gorgeous (and I mean that!) chocolate Lab named Jake. Jake is not only the sweetest dog, but he's also polite to Nellie once the initial rush toward the treats I always carry is over. He's wearing his St. Patrick's Day bandana with such flair, not to mention panache, that it has been decreed he must wear a different bandana for each day of the week and special ones for holidays. Naturally, since I'm the one who decreed that, and no one elected me the arbiter of doggie fashion, I don't know if there will be follow-through. Either way, it's all good. Here is the handsome dude:

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Spring is here

As Nellie and I walk about the neighborhood, feeling a bit lost, we have come across the signs of life that Spring brings and find comfort.

For instance, the best dinosaur ever is already sporting her St. Patrick's Day gear:

And the wisteria is blooming all over:

And last, but not least, the brightest colors anywhere:

New beginnings....

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Farewell to my big bear

I believe I mentioned Kuma was diagnosed with inoperable cancer last August. I held the firm belief he would outlive all predictions, and in a way he did. After a sudden collapse last night, and multiple health failures, we decided to ease his suffering this morning. Our 16 year old beautiful bear, of late looking more like a wolf, passed peacefully with the help of the vet we adore. 

Kuma came up to us on the street in 2008 and was unfailingly sweet with everyone he met. He will be missed by all his neighborhood fans who loved his one floppy ear and his happy grin when he spotted someone who knew how to give a good ear rub. The place feels so empty without him.

Dark and oh so handsome:

Starting to look like a distinguished gentleman:

Showing the wisdom of old age: