Saturday, March 19, 2022

What's not to love?

One of the wonderful things about walking around with Nellie is she's often shy about meeting new people and dogs, but she's not overly reactive or aggressive. Even when those dogs are a little overeager (mostly because she is sooooo adorable). One such dog is a gorgeous (and I mean that!) chocolate Lab named Jake. Jake is not only the sweetest dog, but he's also polite to Nellie once the initial rush toward the treats I always carry is over. He's wearing his St. Patrick's Day bandana with such flair, not to mention panache, that it has been decreed he must wear a different bandana for each day of the week and special ones for holidays. Naturally, since I'm the one who decreed that, and no one elected me the arbiter of doggie fashion, I don't know if there will be follow-through. Either way, it's all good. Here is the handsome dude:

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