Tuesday, May 31, 2022

It only took 15 years but IT'S DONE

Nobody on the planet can ever accuse me of going forward with projects in a hasty and timely manner. The front retaining wall to the house has taken 15 years to complete. Part of that delay was working too hard at a job which didn't deserve such dedication (a story told over a good caramel latté and pumpkin muffin only), partly because I kept dithering about how I wanted to approach it and get it done, and partly because I was distracted by other projects that required more immediate attention. OK - well those are the excuses I tell myself anyway. But it's finally done. And I can honestly say I don't hate it. And to those of you who wondered why the Sam Hill I would do something that detailed behind hedges for Pete's sake, I say this...I dunno know, I just did.


  1. It is beautiful! Would love to go for a caramel latte and pumpkin muffin with you sometime 🙂

  2. It was worth the wait. So beautiful. You're an artist.
