Wednesday, December 25, 2024

HO HO HO and a stinky start to the day

Merry Christmas was all the skunk was trying to say at o'dark thirty this morning when we wanted to let Nellie and Rascal out for their business first thing. Fortunately, said skunk wasn't in our yard as the bomb went off and we were able to corral the doggos immediately. Sooo, interesting start to Christmas Day. As a Bah Humbugger, it was to be expected. But, lest you think the day has been spoiled, think again.

Nellie and I decided to go in search of the last amazing decorations in our far-flung neighborhood. We hadn't been able to take super long walks of late, so this was a big deal. We set out and not only enjoyed the fresh, crisp (but not cold) air, but the quiet that is Christmas morning. Our walk took us down a couple of streets noted for holiday decor. 

First, we spotted our favorite (goofy) snake who dresses appropriately for all seasons. 

Next, we ventured upon an assortment on the roof that made us wonder how and why all those figures got up there. Magic I suppose. My favorites: Minions and the tiger. What the Sam Hill tigers have to do with Christmas is the big question of the day.

Then, the house that truly goes all out for Halloween and Christmas, this wonderland:

And let us not forget the dinosaurs which somehow escaped extinction. And know about Santa. And don't eat penguins.

Keep your holidays safe and happy.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The arches are growing

While we had to say goodbye to the wonderful foxtail agave arch that entertained passersby for a couple of years, the two new arches are growing rapidly. Yet another opportunity to have an enchanted ceremony, or alternatively, get whacked in the face when we're trying to get the waste bins past the cars down the driveway. Either way, a win.


Friday, December 20, 2024

The best cards come from dogs

This holiday has brought out the Bah Humbug in me as always, but then two dogs had to go and spoil it by making me smile and laugh out loud. The first is my hunka hunk of burning love, Elvis, who lives next door and who allows me to look after him while Mom and Pop are at work. He curated a gift of cookies and this wonderful portrait of himself. You cannot look at that face and not think what a handsome boy he is. 

The next card is from Nellie's best buddy Nick who not only walks with us three nights a week, but we also visit to make him more comfortable when his Mom has to go into the office to work. Being the extremely pampered baby he is, he takes umbrage at her having to leave him alone two days a week. Nellie and I feel privileged we can enjoy his company and just chill for a bit. He has been working hard on his penmanship and spelling, as is evident from the card.

And just in case you need another cuteness overload, Nellie and Nick:

Does it get any better than that? (The answer is NO).

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Slowly but surely, things are happening to the corner mess

The post dated November 16 showed the corner area of the yard that was seriously overgrown. While it had a certain charm, the plants there were not really doing well after our two years of super heavy rain (for us) and this year's lack of rain. The ferns have a rust fungus and there were volunteer plants that simply didn't belong there. Time to rethink. As an old cranky lady, I can only work for an hour or so at a time. Arthritic hands and bad backs don't mix with heavy yard work. But today I'm proud to say that it actually looks like progress is being achieved. In fact, a runner passing by was delighted to see the marble sink that has been unearthed. The bottle border is slowing coming back into view, along with the rock border. Believe it or not, there are slate pavers under that mess as well. Still a looooooong way to go, but we're getting there.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Is there such a thing as conjoined triplets?

It is rare to see inflatables still fully puffed up during the day, so it pays to notice. What caught my eye first was the dinosaur in the Santa hat. Seems Dinos are very in this year. Cute. But what really intrigued me was the Snow family figure. You tell me -- are they climbing on each other or are they somehow conjoined. Inquiring minds not only want to know, but want to know what in blue blazes is happening here.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mistletoe for postal workers? Yes - a very special kind.

At this time of year, our neighborhood letter carriers are working harder than ever with junk mail, actual mail, and packages. In order to give them a little holiday cheer, I added a mistletoe booth above the mail slot. It'll cost them 25¢, but I think you'll agree the price is soooo worth it. 

                                    From Nellie and Rascal.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A derpy dog and a sparkly cow - say what?

I suppose if skeletons can wear Santa hats, then festive dogs and cows can certainly be expected to grace lawns during the holidays. Came upon this wonderful duo today. The dog has his tongue out in that way that says he's a bit of a goofball. The sparkles on the cow are meant to convey the twinkly season - I guess? Anyway, they are adorable. Too bad the inflatables in the back don't do justice to the scene when they are clearly too tired to stand up.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

So -- they've been lying about Santa all this time...

It comes as a shock that all this time Santa doesn't actually arrive on the roof by a reindeer drawn sleigh. And here's proof he climbs a ladder just like the rest of us who have to get up to the chimney. Christmas illusions shattered.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Well, Christmas decorations are up -- sort of

Those who know me understand that I'm the Bah Humbug of Christmas. The crass commercialism, the waste -- well, you get the picture. That doesn't mean that well done lighting and yard decorations are not appreciated. As Nellie and I stroll around the neighborhood in the evening, we've noticed an increase in inflatable figures. Some are very cute, though the Disney stuff is overdone and just ewww. (Remember: cranky old lady here). What isn't so good with inflatables is what happens when they are turned off during the day. It seems like just a bunch of trash in the yard then. As in:

There is one house, however, that allows their blowup reindeer to enjoy the season non-stop, so that's fun.

What makes more sense to me are decorations that look great night or day. These are here year after year, and have weathered rain and harsh sun. Whoever made them is quite artistic.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

R.I.P. Misty

Yesterday Misty (the feral cat) didn't show up for dinner. Her habit of late has been to appear right at the door, practically ready to ring the doorbell in order to be served. At first it didn't concern me too much. Just thought she was running late. And cats are unpredictable creatures who will gladly worry you if they have a party to attend. Multiple checks for her yielded nothing.

This morning I put out her dry food as usual. Fully expected her to come running within a few minutes. Kept checking, and checking, and checking. No Misty. As Nellie and I were coming home from walkies, a nagging, gloomy feeling came over me. For some reason I was drawn to our corner - the area I call the thicket - and started peering in. There was a dark gray mound, which I really couldn't make out too well, lying in the middle. Could be anything I tried to tell myself, but I just knew. Took Nellie home, called for long suffering partner, and we went out just to reassure me that it was nothing to be alarmed about. It was Misty. A coyote is suspected. There are no words that can convey the rage and sadness her death has caused. She was so close to letting me touch her; she had briefly come into the house. We were making such progress. And then this. She deserved so much better in life. She deserved a loving, safe home. She didn't deserve what happened to her. She will be missed every day.

I found a poem I wrote when I was 17 that sums up my feelings. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

She's such a tease

Misty has been teasing us for a few days now. She looks longingly at a door and I obligingly leave it open for her to waltz in. She has, very briefly, on two occasions. Today was a bit different. Both long-suffering partner and I were busily getting laundry organized in, of all places, the laundry room. We noticed her in the Critter Café and opened the door to see what she was up to. Don't worry, there were no birds or squirrels in sight. Anyway, Misty heard the door open, and as the laundry room in one place she has briefly explored, she walked over to peer in. Once she saw there were two of us taking up space, she decided against coming in, but seemed very uncertain about that. Just to see what might happen, I left the door open and found things to do while I talked to her. She kept coming over, walking away, coming closer, and we hoped for the best. The closest she got was the threshold, but that's progress. I thought of feeding her just inside the door to see what she would do, but was convinced not to. If we go through this tomorrow, the food bowl will indeed be just over the threshold. Rains are coming and, for her sake, having a dry warm place to hang out seems like a good idea. We'll see what happens.

This is her first foray into thinking about entering the room:

And now she's bolder, but still not entirely enticed. Patience...something I'm not known for!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Squirrels rule

I have a squirrel who loves to come right up to me and take a walnut out of my hands. Of course, that leaves no opportunity for photo evidence. So this adorable little statue in a garden will have to do.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

It's time to say the arch and corner plantings that is

The arch that everyone in the neighborhood loves has seen better days. (To see it in its glory, check out the 3/31/24 post). So it's gotta go. But don't despair. There is a new arch in the making right next to it. In fact, there are a couple more starting up as well. Unfortunately the foxtail agaves are maturing at roughly the same time, and flowering means they are done with their lifecycle. It sounds a bit daft, but that makes me sad to know that plants that have given the garden such beauty and life, are now nearing the end.

You can see the new arch forming right in front on the left.

There's one which is going to impede the driveway, so alas, it won't be allowed to stay very long.

And this one really makes me sad. This an agave that was mature when we moved in eons ago. I guess everything decides to retire at one point or another.

Now, you're going to confirm that I'm absolutely bonkers for deciding that the corner area is far too overgrown and not the artistic vision when first implemented. So, it's going to be reworked and be less of an obstruction to viewing passing pedestrians when we're trying to back out of the driveway. So say goodbye to the jungle look.

I've already done a bit of pulling out and thinning. Amazing the things you find under all that foliage. Definitely overdue for a clearing up. Don't hold your breath for the new look. It'll take a while for it to take shape.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Can't get enough architecture

Once again, going down a street that is too familiar and gasp! happen to notice yet another house with interesting lines. I sometimes wonder if dog walks are really sleepwalking adventures since these things go unseen for so long. The lines on this house are interesting and give me an idea for something in the garden. Whether that idea materializes or not is a different story. Don't hold your breath. 


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Misty is just chillin'

At  last my obsessive desire to make Misty comfortable (other than just making sure she's fed), is happening -- sort of. She has finally accepted the basket I put out for her as a good resting place until she convinces me to serve her dinner. Or breakfast. Or an afternoon snack. Whatever. Anyway, while she doesn't curl up in it for very long and doesn't use it for her bed at night, she deigns to curl up in it to make me happy. Or just because she can. Don't know, don't care. Just delighted she uses it at all. And yup, she's the dark spot in the basket.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Hiking adventure complete

Because the cuteness factor just never goes away, another Paco post is required. His Dad decided to check out his hiking ability the other day, and took off on the trail of one of our beautiful mountains. He was very alert to the idea that Paco might not be as vigorous a hiker as his previous dogs, but he was prepared for rest stops with water and potential carrying of a pooped out dog. Actually, Paco kinda amazed him with his willingness to go along with this endeavor and apparently did very well, though there were the expected breaks and a bit of carrying. Paco looks quite pleased with himself.

The other interesting thing in this picture is the art work on the area below. Don't know what it's supposed to be, and if it were possible for me to hike up to see it, I would, just to figure out what it's all about. And what a view. Wow!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

October is a nightmare and not because of Halloween

To say it's been an interesting month is something of an understatement. It's been a month of frustration, repairs, and doctor visits. First my computer of 13 years (you read that correctly) decided it was ready to retire. The good news is I found one on sale (hooray!); the bad news is it needed an adapter that was crazy expensive just so I could plug in the ethernet cable. I'm sensing a conspiracy.

Then there was the refrigerator drama. Yes, the fridge was going on 17+ years. We love that fridge. Found someone to come fix it and hooray, it worked -- for two hours. OK then, hopped online to look for something we can live with, called 6 places, and went shopping. Here's the thing. Amana has been bought out by Whirlpool and Whirlpool apparently feels that stainless steel is the only way to go. As is the design choice for every other major appliance company. Because of our kitchen layout, etc., we prefer white to reflect light. Not to mention that I just really don't like the look of stainless refrigerators. Searching for a white fridge proved to be far harder a quest. We found one that we don't particularly love, but it's cold and that's what counts. Six days of throwing bags of ice to keep the food alive was no fun. And we'll get used to the new layout because, well, just because.

But wait, there's more. We're having plumbing issues (small but annoying) and have been told that we a. need a new part for a 4 year old faucet; b. need a whole new faucet for another sink; and c. the tankless is on its last legs and will replaced tomorrow. Deep sigh. As for the bathroom fan - you guessed it - needs to be replaced. 

Saved the best for last. And kids -- DON'T DO THIS. I succeeded in performing the stupid old person trick of falling off a ladder. Yup - the classic it's an easy task and will only take a minute fall. Fortunately, nothing broken, though the bruises make a great Halloween costume.  

And thus endeth the tale of October - the true horror show.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

What's with white trees?

On those occasions when I actually get in the car and go somewhere, I pass this tree which makes me wonder what's up. It looks like a real tree that's been painted completely white, but I'm at a loss as to how that was done and what that means. Any guesses?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Dine and dash

You'd think a cat would be grateful for being fed (now twice) every day. You might think a cat who comes to the front door to tell you to take care of her dietary needs would let you pet her. Or maybe not hiss at you. Or just maybe would stick around after licking the bowl clean to have a chat or leave a tip. Welp. Misty not only doesn't pay for her meals or leave a tip for excellent service, she scarpers right after eating for parts as yet unknown. And somehow I'm totally okay with that. 

The basket to the right of the picture is set up for her to snuggle in if she so desires. Has she used it? Why no. Thinking of building a little house over it so when the rains finally do show up, she'll have a snug place to settle. It's under a table, so that will provide some added protection from the elements.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Super quick update on Paco the Pug - who now goes by Taco or Ding Dong depending on the person and the situation at the moment. This sweet pic is Paco happily snoozing on - not a pillow as you might expect - but his Dad's chest. Dad had settled down to watch TV and Paco decided to join him in the sweetest way. Awwwww. Bonding complete.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unexpected encounters and treats

Walking dogs in the neighborhood is always eye-opening and definitely is a treat. Today Nellie and I had three lovely encounters with neighbors we don't get to see often enough. 

The first was with a young man who was shoveling gravel in his driveway. Being the witty person I am, I called to him and said it looked like he was working too hard (it's hot again). He smiled, looked a bit puzzled, and then said he didn't speak much English, but was working hard at learning. I asked what language he spoke and he said Portuguese, but then immediately asked if I spoke Spanish. Two words, was the reply. Bueno and gracias. He laughed at that and we parted smiling at the brief, but happy exchange. 

The second encounter was with an art professor at one of our local colleges. Upon being asked how it was to return to in-person teaching after the pandemic, she regaled me with the horrifying reality of schools today. Apparently AI is truly taking over. Out of over 100 students applying for her class, only 14 actually submitted their own work, including artwork and an essay on an art piece. The rest were written by AI and plagiarized; the artwork was clearly digitally modified images off the internet; and  more than one student didn't know that Leonardo Da Vinci didn't paint Van Gogh's Sunflowers. But, but, it must be right -- the robot told me sooooo. She was shaking her head and I was bemused, but alas, not surprised. We parted with rueful smiles.

The last encounter was by all accounts the absolute highlight of the morning walk. A car rounded the corner and then pulled ahead to the curb and stopped. I don't pay much attention to cars (except with great alacrity when crossing a street) and was surprised to see a small face stuck out the back window and calling my name. She also called Nellie, who recognized her before I did and pulled me over to say hi. Sure enough, it was a neighbor child coming back from Japanese school (she's all of 6), and waving an origami creature. Pulling out the Japanese I learned before visiting there, I greeted her with Konnichiwa, much to her Dad's astonishment. From there she showed me the origami she learned and offered me one. I believe she was responding to the origami crane that adorned the container of brownies her family received a few weeks ago. Of course I wasn't going to turn down such cuteness and responded with arigatō goziamashita. It now has a home over the mail slot on the porch.

The view from the steps and a closeup:

And while we're on the porch, the god Pan has had a place forever keeping an eye on things. And no, this doesn't count as a Halloween decoration as it is up year round.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Predictions for the planet coming true

While sorting through the books in the history room of the library one day, I came across a children's book. The cover was intriguing so I decided to give it a quick perusal. I couldn't put it down. It starts off with an idyllic picture of a planet in harmony - Wump World - and one would think how nice it is to see cute creatures enjoying their peaceful surroundings. It quickly takes a turn as a spaceship lands and creatures that look awfully similar to humans disembark. From there is gets very dark indeed. The invaders, aptly from the planet Pollutus, annihilate this utopia and then make a hasty retreat after finding a new planet to repeat their clueless evil elsewhere. Lest you think this is far too dark a story for children, there is a bright moment at the end. When all appears gone and lost, the Wumps reappear to find their planet almost completely decimated except for small areas of hope. While the implication is that they will survive and heal, their planet will never be the same because of the Pollutians. BTW - you guessed it -- the Pollutians are us. Human beings who refuse to respect and care for the planet they live on. Now here's the part where prophecy comes into play. The book was published in 1970. Dr. Seuss's book with a very similar theme, The Lorax, was published the following year. These books were a wake up call that is yet to be heeded.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Last one - promise - but couldn't resist this house

Of course my fingers were crossed when the promise of the last Halloween house being posted was made, but this is probably it. This house outdoes the entire neighborhood every year with Halloween and Christmas decorations. This year is a pirate and dinosaur (?!?) theme. OK - whatever works. 

Don't know what kind of dog that pirate found, but he's HUGE. Even a great Dane isn't that big - or is it?

Apparently dinosaurs are now part of spooky decor....

And last, but definitely not least, are the two witches. I just wish they had asked my permission before using my likeness. My face is copyrighted until at least the year 2050, and yet I see it everywhere at Halloween. Do I need to lawyer up?

Remember to click on the photo if you wish to get a better view. Though my face may haunt you for the rest of your life, so be careful.