Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unexpected encounters and treats

Walking dogs in the neighborhood is always eye-opening and definitely is a treat. Today Nellie and I had three lovely encounters with neighbors we don't get to see often enough. 

The first was with a young man who was shoveling gravel in his driveway. Being the witty person I am, I called to him and said it looked like he was working too hard (it's hot again). He smiled, looked a bit puzzled, and then said he didn't speak much English, but was working hard at learning. I asked what language he spoke and he said Portuguese, but then immediately asked if I spoke Spanish. Two words, was the reply. Bueno and gracias. He laughed at that and we parted smiling at the brief, but happy exchange. 

The second encounter was with an art professor at one of our local colleges. Upon being asked how it was to return to in-person teaching after the pandemic, she regaled me with the horrifying reality of schools today. Apparently AI is truly taking over. Out of over 100 students applying for her class, only 14 actually submitted their own work, including artwork and an essay on an art piece. The rest were written by AI and plagiarized; the artwork was clearly digitally modified images off the internet; and  more than one student didn't know that Leonardo Da Vinci didn't paint Van Gogh's Sunflowers. But, but, it must be right -- the robot told me sooooo. She was shaking her head and I was bemused, but alas, not surprised. We parted with rueful smiles.

The last encounter was by all accounts the absolute highlight of the morning walk. A car rounded the corner and then pulled ahead to the curb and stopped. I don't pay much attention to cars (except with great alacrity when crossing a street) and was surprised to see a small face stuck out the back window and calling my name. She also called Nellie, who recognized her before I did and pulled me over to say hi. Sure enough, it was a neighbor child coming back from Japanese school (she's all of 6), and waving an origami creature. Pulling out the Japanese I learned before visiting there, I greeted her with Konnichiwa, much to her Dad's astonishment. From there she showed me the origami she learned and offered me one. I believe she was responding to the origami crane that adorned the container of brownies her family received a few weeks ago. Of course I wasn't going to turn down such cuteness and responded with arigatō goziamashita. It now has a home over the mail slot on the porch.

The view from the steps and a closeup:

And while we're on the porch, the god Pan has had a place forever keeping an eye on things. And no, this doesn't count as a Halloween decoration as it is up year round.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you spread your wonderfulness.
