Sunday, September 8, 2024

In a land far away before time

Since it's been too hot to do anything other than deep clean my laundry room and other assorted messy areas, I decided to take a trip down memory lane. All outdoor tiling projects are on hold until the weather cooperates, but showing off the work I did when I was just learning mosaics seemed like a good way to avoid going out in 102° weather to water the backyard. I learned from Edith Heath herself at Heath Ceramics in Sausalito, CA. If you haven't heard of Heath Ceramics, definitely look it up. Interesting history. Anyway, these items are almost antiques at this point as they are around 40+ years old. The best part is that all the tile was scavenged and therefore FREE. What started out as large whole tiles met my tile saw and became little itty bitty pieces. And interestingly, my tile saw was housed in the tiny bathroom of my San Francisco apartment when in use, because otherwise I had nowhere else to use it. Where there's a will, there's a way. 

Close up of a table center:

The whole table with faux finish surround:

Last, but not least, the table in my kitchen:

And yes, all of these took forever to do and I loved every single minute. And no, none of them are perfect, but I learned so much from doing them.

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