Friday, September 13, 2024

Quick update on Paco and Misty

As those following the Paco story know, he's in a new home. He's thriving there and now the family knows what I meant when I described him as a tornado. Well, we finally got him into the Vet for his neuter procedure and I had to call Paco's folks to say he was being kept overnight (a surprise). When I went to pick him up next day and return him home, I was greeted by T (the Dad) who said that L (the 7 year old daughter) was very upset when he didn't come back same day. That made me almost jump for joy. Why? Because that means bonding has taken place in the best possible way. That means this is the PERFECT family to take on a Pug who only needs love and a LOT of training. And patience. In another week Paco will go in to have his stitches removed and alas, that's my last duty as dog rescuer. I kinda don't want their reliance on my services to end; on the other hand, one must let go. And I still get to love him up when he's out on walkies with his new brother Milo (who is still trying to teach him to back off a bit), and his terrific family.

As for Misty, the feral cat who's decided we can feed her and provide a semi-safe place to hang out, she's trained me very well. She now comes up on the front porch to let me know it's time to feed her the dry food. Yes, your majesty, coming right out. Then, two to three hours later, she appears on the back patio where she stares at our back door until someone spots her and I run out her wet food with her special treats on top. The hissing I've decided to translate as "thank you very much," though I suspect it's nothing of the sort. She still backs off a bit when I put the bowl down, but I barely have to step away before she goes to her dinner. 

Today, though, was an interesting breakthrough -- I think? I saw her on the front porch as I was heading out the door to accomplish a task that's been put off too long (as most tasks around here are), and assured her she'd have her food in a minute. She looked at me, looked at the open door, and almost came into the house. Let me repeat that. Knowing two dogs and this human she hisses at live inside, Misty came to the OPEN door and almost stepped over the threshold. Progress or insanity? With cats, one never knows. But I hold out hope we can gain her trust and she will allow us to do far more for her than wait on her outside.

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