Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Ninja doesn't feel like cooperating today (or ever)

So I finally had to break down and buy a new phone. I LOVED my old one. It was small and light and worked just fine -- until it didn't anymore. Sigh. So off to get another one and I was assured that the camera would be superior to my 6 year old model. I had my doubts (and that turned out to be correct), but ever game, I decided to try it out on Ninja being cute. Only the day before she was doing something that seemed video worthy and today would be no different, right?

So, settling in to wait for an opportunity to film and test the zoom feature, the following is the scintillating video of Ninja being Ninja:


  1. I love the video from your new phone. That Ninja is such a diva.

  2. Yes she is. And unfortunately, very difficult as she refuses to be tamed.
