Thursday, September 3, 2020

It's an attack of the B-52s

With the new bird feeder and bird bath mentioned in an earlier post, I was a little worried there would be no customers. I should've known better.

By having an official bird feeder off the ground (the idea was to discourage predators), I thought it would also be good for keeping squirrels away from the sunflower seeds to give other critters a chance at getting some. Within 5 minutes of setting it up and filling it with mixed seeds, the squirrels figured out a way to raid the stash. So much for outwitting them. 

Band-tailed Pigeons have been coming to the critter station for years now. They are very large and I've nicknamed them the B-52s because they swoop in like bombers. They are so much fun to watch and there is a group of nearly 30 birds that come regularly. They know what time to arrive and if I'm late, they express their displeasure more politely than the blue jays and crows, but they let me know their disappointment. Interestingly, when I am on time, they don't bother to leave a tip. But then, neither do the blue jays, crows, doves, squirrels, assorted warblers and sparrows, and any other species dropping by. Let's just say my restaurant is a non-profit operation.

Well I needn't have worried about them not figuring out there is a second feeding area. On Tuesday I was able to catch this wonderful sight:

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