Friday, September 18, 2020

Stuffy house, stuffy brain. AND a dog in need.

The last few days have been torture. Now I know what everyone was complaining about during the actual lockdown portions of our current pandemic. 

When we first got stay at home orders, I wasn't upset by that at all. I hate shopping and having to dress in something other than sweats to go anywhere seems like more trouble than it's worth. Who doesn't love puttering around the house doing projects, reading good books, perusing Pinterest, or getting out in the garden to get all dirty? Talking to passersby on their daily dog/fitness walks is enough socializing for anyone. Or it was until the big stink.

The big stink is the result of all the fires that are raging mostly out of control nearby and up north in California, Oregon and Washington. The smoke has been so thick and noxious, it's all I can do to step outside and quickly feed my critters -- and that's with two masks on. It's painful to watch Ninja in the yard acting like she's so stoned she can hardly move. And without her consent to being caught and brought into the cooler, less smokey house, there's nothing to be done about it. Kuma, he of minimal brains, doesn't seem to notice the air being toxic and has to be reined in from his normal long walks to protect him mostly from himself. At least when he gets home there are two air purifiers going non-stop and an air-conditioned room when it gets too hot and stuffy.

After only one week of this self-imposed lockdown, dealing with a stuffy house that no fan can adequately air out, I'm feeling an ennui that discourages me from doing much of anything other than reading. Projects that involve lifting, sanding, painting or anything else remotely outdoorsy and physical are off the table. So I've turned my attention to trying to find the perfect home for Princess. She's a little Miniature Pinscher who is cuddly, only barks when people are at the door, chill with cats (at least those in her backyard) and other dogs, and is 7 years old -- no health issues. And without further ado, Princess:

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