Friday, August 28, 2020

Teasing a little bit more...

Last post I offered up a tease for my newest garden/landscaping endeavor. Even in 90+ degree heat I've managed to keep going at a fairly good clip and it's coming along nicely. The slate is down and the rock border tied it together rather well. I even used the last of the mulch pile to freshen up the area. Of course, Ninja will be none too pleased with that as she used that pile for scratching up bugs and creating cool nests during the heat of the day. So far she hasn't really noticed because I cleverly did the mulch moving as she was preparing to fly up into her favorite nighttime tree roost. Tomorrow I expect to hear vigorous complaints and she'll probably want to talk to the manager. 

This is where we are so far:

Cleaning up allowed the previous border to peek through and the bottles do add a bit of shine.

From the other side, it looks like this:

But wait. There's more!

Lest you think that's the end of it, you are sadly mistaken. Of course I can't leave well enough alone. Finishing touches will be added to the slate area, the pots need to be planted with something or other, and the final art piece must be installed -- as soon as I figure out how the heck it's gonna be put together and YouTube is failing me big time right now 😡. Be that as it may, I hope to have the whole area completed by early next week. But don't hold your breath. Your face could turn blue from waiting.


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