Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A little tease...

 As I've mentioned in previous posts, I often have the most fantastic ideas for my yard -- in my head. Often the execution of those ideas are pretty good too. But too often, either my ignorance for what would happen given time and growth means my projects take on an altogether different look (and not necessarily for the better), or some catastrophe comes along (like wind storms) and destroys the first vision. 

Ignorance is the culprit in the case of my corner in the front yard. I knew the succulents and ferns would certainly grow, and weeds are a problem, but I didn't reckon with the rate of growth for either. And with all the enthusiasm of a rank amateur, I wanted to do some kind of pebble art piece. And so I did.


As you see, it's a bit twee and subtle, but I loved the bottles and rocks together and for a good month or two I smiled every time I walked by. I hadn't forgotten the Deodars which shed needles year round and come winter the weeds would be a bit of a chore. So regular cleaning was on the to do list. What I hadn't counted on was the explosion of the ferns in a short couple of years, basically covering everything and creeping past the rock border, and the amount of debris from the trees. 


They say that as you grow older you get wiser, but so far that hasn't worked on me. So needless to say, I have another cunning plan to replace the cute little rock necklace and try to make a bigger statement. This is the tease. It involves more rock, some slate, a couple of pots, and some hoops. And absolutely all the elements going into this new look are free finds! When it's done of course you'll get the final version. In the meantime, can you guess what's going to happen? (Hint: neither can I).

Now just a bit of a humble brag here. I am constantly amazed and incredibly flattered when passersby tell me how much they love my garden. Even the slightest praise gives me the incentive to keep going, because all I see is the work that still needs to be done. During walks around the neighborhood I've seen enviable gardens and wish for the knowledge and wherewithal to create artistic, lush, or just whimsical wonderlands. Being told by someone they enjoy seeing what's new provides incentive to keep plugging along in my blissful ignorance. Thank you kind neighbors!

1 comment:

  1. I love your vision. You really spruced up the area and made the rocks and bottles pop. Thank you for showing the phases of your project.
