Sunday, August 23, 2020

Ninja's best friend

Ninja has found a friend. Thankfully that friend requires no food and no worries. Because, wait for it, her friend is an orange ceramic duck. Ninja frequently perches on the low table and happily communes (mostly in silence) with her nameless, silent friend a couple of times a day. Tonight I was actually able to capture proof of this unusual alliance through the kitchen window. If I had tried to go out and get a decent picture, there would've been the clucking and squawking and running about as if I had a cleaver in my hands instead of a phone, so we have to make do with what we've got. And what we've got is this:


  1. Ninja seems happy ruling the roost and finding a friend that can best handle her temperament. Hmmm, roost, what about a rooster?

  2. Having a rooster could only add to the havoc that silly chicken has caused around here, I'm afraid. Not to mention the neighbors would probably visit me with pitchforks and torches when the rooster woke them up at o-dark-thirty!
