Sunday, August 2, 2020

Gifts from people to my critters

I know I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. I get the best stuff free from curb cast-offs and neighbors who thoughtfully offer things before they toss them. My next door neighbor has very generously given me multiple plant pots and has now broken the record for wonderful things: an incredible bird bath. That gift allowed me to finish up a project I've had in mind since another amazing find (free of course) -- a free-standing bird feeder in the most divine deep red.

A bit of a story about that find. Next Door has provided a whole bunch of insight into how neighbors think, what fights they want to pick, and how they react to things. Always interesting. But I digress. The app also has a treasure trove of great stuff. I've scored fresh lemons and kumquats, big decorative rocks, and the best find, the bird feeder and matching planter bowl. It had been posted for roughly 5 minutes and I was out the door. I was just getting out of my car when I noticed another car driving up to the curb. A woman hopped out and asked if she could give me a hand with wrangling the heavy pottery into the car. As she was carrying the heavy end, I asked her if she was after the same thing and of course the answer was yes. So, given there were two of the planters, I offered her one (which upended the grand plan in my mind for them, but oh well). She said yes and we parted as good neighbors should.

OK, back to the project. So yesterday, in sweltering heat, it seemed like the perfect time to set up the new feeder/bath combo in my critter area. I've been wanting to get the bird seed off the ground for some time. The idea is to discourage predators and allow birds to feed without squirrel interference as well. I confess, it's always fun to see the huge pigeons and crows trying to fend off the squirrels, but they should be allowed to feed in peace (if not harmony).


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