Monday, August 3, 2020

In Memoriam

Today was not the happiest day. My little terminator Sassy had to be euthanized. Her lungs finally gave out and it was too painful for her to draw a good breath. She was feisty until the end though. She reveled in getting cookies every time she went out to do her business and watching her bounce up the stairs was a joy (we had to carry her down though because she couldn't navigate well anymore). She was truly a Daddy's girl and would wait for him to get back whenever he left the house.

She came to us as part of a pair in 2007. We adopted her and her "brother" Shinji because apparently at the rescue they bonded so much we didn't want to break them up. They made a good team and after Shinji left us in 2018, we realized just how bonded they were. She was devastated at his passing.

Though Kuma, our big bear, had joined our family in 2008, it wasn't until Sassy was left alone that she decided to accept Kuma as a friend. Though they were never cuddly like Sassy and Shinji were, they did develop a bond. This is the last picture of her today. We will sorely miss her.


  1. The evolution of family continue in an ever wonderous way. Memories of family are precious.
