Sunday, August 9, 2020

The deed is done and other surprises

This morning I scooted Ninja out of her nest and robbed her of her eggs. She was seriously unhappy with me and the whole neighborhood could probably hear her complaints about the whole business. So now the search for the new nest begins. I wonder if I could patent it as a game and retire in style? Probably not. 

Just as Ninja was surprised by the temerity of me reaching into her sanctuary, I was surprised this morning by balloons attached to a bag of seriously yummy goodies left on my front porch. A dear friend I don't see nearly as often as I would like (you know who you are C), left it to cheer me up after Sassy's passing. She knows me too well. Fabulous chocolates, cookies, and fresh fruit. I'm afraid I tucked in a little too well, and don't regret it for a minute. Just to show my neighbors how amazing people can be, I tied the balloons to the handrail at the top of the stairs and have enjoyed them waving in the breeze all day. Even the big bear Kuma, after inspecting them for any imminent danger and declaring them safe, enjoyed watching them from the safety of the doorway. Thank you for a great start to the day!

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