Monday, November 2, 2020

Quoth the Ravens..."No photos allowed"

As those who visit know, I feed birds and squirrels in what I call my critter station. Among the wonderful birds that are attracted to the station, there is an entire platoon of crows that visit. I love the crows. They are so much fun to watch as they try to stuff multiple peanuts in their beaks or wash them in the bird bath. They are less fun when we have to clean the rain gutters jammed with peanut shells. But I digress.

One morning as I was watching over my flock from the kitchen window, two huge glossy crows glided down. They dwarfed all the birds there, including the banded pigeons. Then it dawned. Not crows -- ravens. Magnificent, elegant ravens. Where's the camera? OK, flick back the curtain and oh -- they flew away. Mmmm. Just to make sure the species ID was correct, as they flew I watched their tail feathers -- sure enough, wedge shaped. The calls they made were correct for ravens. How exciting!

Next morning, they came again. Quick, grab the camera, slowly push aside the curtain for a clearer shot and NOPE. Gone again. I have stalked them for 2 weeks now and they always know when I want a photo. My guess is they are wanted in at least 3 states and don't want their covers blown. Respect.

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