Monday, November 30, 2020

Ta da! At last...

It's done! It's finished! Well...not exactly. Yes, the mosaic is done and I'm happy with the outcome. Neighbors have been gracious with their appreciation. It was a wonderful challenge. And here it is...the planter box mosaic:

Now I know what you're wondering. "What is she going to do with the mess around it? Clearly the setting doesn't do justice to the amount of neck strain that went into that project." And you would be right.  It detracts from the art don'tcha know. So - yes, I have plans for that, as soon as my back recovers. It's all very hard labor for a cranky old lady.

Mostly, however, instead of facing cactus and jade plants and having to muck about in the dreaded thicket, I am planning more mosaics while the weather is nice. Unfortunately, tiling requires a certain temperature range that seems harder and harder to come by lately. It's either waaaaay too hot, or too cold. Like Goldilocks and her porridge, it has to be juuuuust right.

Next project...tally ho!


  1. Thanks for the encouragement. It keeps me going!

  2. Wow wow wow 😍 that’s amazing! I didn’t even notice anything in the space around it until you mentioned it. Hopefully your back is on the mend- can’t wait to see the finished space and also the mosaic project. ❤️ Crystal
