Sunday, December 6, 2020

A bit daunting, but exciting

I'm guessing somewhere in my DNA is a masochistic streak. Eons ago, when we had to re-stucco the house (mostly to get rid of the hideous pink paint), I had an ambitious idea. Well, not so much ambitious as suicidal. I wanted to leave the front retaining wall as is so I could tile it. I also decided to tile the front porch all by myself too. So what happened? Well, as luck would have it, I did get the porch floor done, but my lazy gene kicked in and I only got a teensy-weensy bit done on the wall. And there it has languished for years, and years, and years. Now I could use the excuse that working full-time and recovering from joint surgeries made it difficult to get back to -- except it's not true. So now I'm confronted with a 15 foot wall that is nearly 4 feet high and I have to do both sides. Fortunately, one side is partly stuccoed, but it still means weeks of work to finish the project. And rainy season will come eventually. We hope.

The past week I've been cutting tile and tackling one side of the project and I'm pleased to say that section is compete. And yes, I'll be boring all and sundry with updates from time to time, just because I can.

The front porch mariner's star:

The completed (as of yesterday) small side of the porch entry (house number is blurred).

The interior of the porch wall with years of dirt down the stucco:

The daunting, intimidating, giant WALL:

One bit of good news, the main design is on paper. I just have to figure out how to transfer the idea to the wall. And work around the shrubs. And get to the bottom of the wall without hurting myself. Mmmmm. Maybe I'll just go grab a cup of tea.

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