Saturday, December 26, 2020

I warned you...

When I posted about tackling the very long (and getting longer daily -- how is that possible?) retaining wall for my front porch, I also mentioned I would be boring everyone with the partially finished project. The weather has cooperated and tiling has proceeded fairly well. Alas, starting tomorrow, it'll be too cold for at least a week so the project is halted for awhile. On the bright side, the top of the wall is almost complete and the corner is done. The inside is in progress and considering it takes approximately 2 hours to complete one row, it's moving along fairly well. 

Mind you, it also takes a few hours just to cut nice large tiles into tiny pieces. Looking at this box, you'd think that amount would surely be enough to finish up the wall --even the tricky bits. Well, you'd be wrong. I've already gone through a couple of similarly laden boxes, and will need to cut more.

Then there is the seemingly endless expanse of the wall itself. And while curves are definitely sexy, they become troublesome to get just the right pieces to fit. Fortunately, the corner at the top of the stairs is done:

And then the interior wall -- languishing in a state of perpetual incompleteness (is that a word?).

So perhaps a week off from fiddly curves is not a bad thing.

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