Friday, December 11, 2020

Ninja's questionable choices

Ninja had a wonderful routine. She would run to be fed every morning and afternoon, she'd hang out on her dust bath tire or scratch in the backyard, and then she would go to bed on her roost in the big tree near the back gate. Every night I'd say goodnight and tuck her in. (Note: she still refuses to go into her designer house). Last night that all changed.

I was doing the weekly watering in the backyard and tried to stay away from her as much as possible, knowing she would be heading for bed around 4:15 or so. After all, one does try to respect her space. But, instead of heading toward her tree, she kept hopping the fence to the dreaded back of beyond and then would come back, only to hop the fence to the front yard. It was as if she reverted to her behavior when she first arrived. Puzzling, annoying, and not least, worrying. The front yard is home to cats, coyotes and people who often make poor choices. OK, she'll come back when the watering is done. No problem. 

Problem. She not only didn't reappear, when I went searching for her, I found her in a tree in the thicket. Now, perhaps she just wants to savor the season by having a good view of Christmas lights. Or she wants to enjoy the beautiful decorations and lights from the neighbor across the street. Since we have no outdoor decorations, I understand her appreciation for the display. not safe. Of course there was nothing I could do but go indoors and worry about her, but she's her own chicken and I was certain she would go back to her safe routine once I wasn't in her way with the hose. 

Good theory, but the evidence said otherwise. Tonight, as I was watering the front yard, I see Ninja hop over the fence and start strutting right toward me. Oh no! I tried to shoo her back and she finally went, only to come flying back over and heading into the thicket. Again, tried to cajole her out of her folly, but she wasn't having anything to do with good sense. Nope, she is now roosting in the tree, dreamily looking at all the twinkling lights, and planning the next thing to drive me crazy with. 

Anyone want diva hen? If you can catch her, she's yours!

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