Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Chickens, lizards and pots, oh my.

So the saga of the chicken who has adopted my yard is not over. She apparently is a ninja chicken who quite happily shows up in unexpected places like my back yard that has a 6 foot fence. I know she can fly, but what is attracting her to the back yard? Thinking she's perhaps trying to ingratiate herself and do a meet and greet, I got some seed and went out 5 minutes after spotting her to find - nothing. She's not there. Nowhere. I didn't see her leave, heard nothing and yet poof. I can't even get a picture of her because between the time I spot her lovely self and grab my phone, she's disappeared. It's become a bit unnerving to know that this chicken, that I continue to worry about, apparently has no such concerns and likes to taunt me with sightings from time to time just to keep me guessing. Sigh.

We're also noticing a huge increase in the number of lizards around the place. After last year's and this year's good rains we had a lizard baby boom - and not just one kind of lizard either. I've detected at least 3 different ones. I happen to love lizards and get a real kick out of seeing them doing their pushups and scurry up the garden wall or out from under the lizard pots I have scattered around for their protection. They are really quite friendly and endearing, though my partner believes they are amassing an army to take over the world. I'm afraid he watches far too many episodes of Pinky and the Brain (hilarious mice) or reads too much SciFi. Though come to think of it, a lizard explosion and a random chicken all at the same time....

On a lighter note, I decided to try making one of those pot towers that tip -- well, see for yourself. What I'm going to try and nurture in them is another story. A note about why I would do such a crazy thing -- there was a piece of rebar stuck in the ground when we moved in and all attempts to remove it failed. I had numerous ways to try and keep it from impaling anyone or any critters who frequent my yard, and the results were always half-assed at best.
So being addicted to Pinterest and seeing said tippy towers around the neighborhood, I thought to give it a try. Turns out it's easy to make and not so easy to water, so I'm guessing succulents will be my best bet. Any other suggestions welcome.

I will note that the rebar still poked out just a teensy at the top, so I put a small bottle over it and then glued a glass glob to the top. It only makes a difference to me because you can't really see it from afar as a decorative device, but I didn't want to scratch my hands while planting or watering, which is exactly the thing I like to do.

And now, for the grand finale...our big bear looking very handsome and pensive in the place he spends a great deal of his time: