Saturday, April 18, 2020

It's Official - I'm FREEEEEEE

So -- retirement is official and I've had time to start multiple projects. Mostly really boring stuff like cleaning out closets and drawers and cabinets (hard to believe how many are in a house!), but every now and then I take another shot at the garden. After installing a bed in the side yard 5 (count 'em 5) years ago, I decided to see how actually planting something in it might look. I don't know why I chose marigolds other than I really think they are very cheerful flowers, but here they are at last. I've already decided to dig some of them up and pot them and eventually plant either African daisies or mung beans or something, but for what it's worth, here's what it looks like now.

Also, as I was noodling around in the back yard, I noticed the irises made it into bloom. What amazes me is the color variation in them.

Mind you, the entire back garden needs to be re-vamped since our magnificent Chinese Elm had to be butchered back. What was once an oasis of shade and calm under a huge leafy canopy is now very sunny and hot. That meant taking out many plants and transferring them to nooks and crannies so they could thrive, and finding sun-loving plants to take their place. Yet another challenge (and I'm loving it).

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's about time the Cranky Little Old Lady posted again I love it!
