Monday, May 4, 2020

Congratulations! You are now a chicken mama.

The neighbor who lost Ninja (and yes, the chicken did indeed cross the road) came over last night to see if there was any hope of capturing her. He realized it was a losing battle and bequeathed her to me if I ever managed to tame her. I reluctantly accepted that challenge as I really don't want a chicken. Then, being an animal sucker to the bone, I frantically texted a neighbor I know who has chickens and asked for advice on feeding her; spent an hour on the internet researching, and then spent 15 minutes going through our refrigerator for appropriate foodstuffs and coming up woefully short. I did get the name of the nearest feed supplier and will visit them on the morrow. In the meantime, Ninja is happily digging her way to Australia in search of grubs and other insects, and quite saucily flouncing just out of reach whenever I appear.

Here is why I'm not an "Internet influencer." 

While they make their projects, gardens, travels, and makeup look flawless first time, I admit defeat readily. If you'll remember, I added marigolds to pots to act as a barricade for my little bowling ball Sassy so she wouldn't break her neck coming up the stairs from the backyard. So cheerful, bright and sunny. An excellent addition to the floral ambiance. Yeah, well, not so much:

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