Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Amazing mosaic (way beyond my skill level)

I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in quite awhile, and after catching up about dogs and other topics, we got onto the things we're doing to stay sane in the pandemic. I mentioned mosaics and she told me about a friend of hers who is a mosaic artist. Of course I had to know more. She kindly sent me a photo of the fireplace her friend decided to beautify in her house once the pandemic started. My jaw dropped when I saw the picture. Her work is sensational. It rather reminds me of Chinese watercolor paintings: delicate and vibrant at the same time. Her medium is glass. And to celebrate, or more accurately, commemorate the pandemic, on the little bee, there is a crown.

Enjoy true art (do click on the photo for the big size):

Some people really know how to spend their time creatively.

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