Monday, January 11, 2021

The closest thing to snow in SoCal

We've been having great weather of late and that is good news for all my mosaic adventures. What it's not great for, of course, is our rain totals. Looks like we're in a drought again, though I am very happy to be proved wrong if we get hit with good rains in February, March and April. Still, at least we're not having blizzards as so much of the country has experienced. 

The closest thing to snow in my neighborhood are the blooming jade plants. This time of year they are quite magnificent with their tiny bright white blossoms that mimic a light snowfall.  If that weren't enough, they also attract our friends the bees. Take a look (to get an even better look, click on the picture for full size):


  1. I remember traveling to California with my mom in 1977. My HS graduation present was a drive from LA to SF, where we visited Michael. My mom's friend, Betty Anne, lived in Torrance and they had a hedge of Jade plants. I was amazed - I had many houseplants and a small Jade was amongst them. I had no idea they could grow like that. Yours are beautiful!

  2. When I lived in the Midwest I nurtured an indoor jade and was so proud it got to be a foot high. It never bloomed though. When I got here and discovered I could create a forest of jade AND it bloomed, it was heaven. And BTW, they do this in spite of me, not because of me. They are impossible to kill off - so perfect for the novice gardener.
