Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Walking the neighborhood is a creative boost

I like to pretend I'm getting fit by taking walks around different neighborhoods. It gets me outside, makes me workout a bit, and mostly allows my curiosity (OK - nosiness) to have free reign. Seeing other people's gardens and decorations inspires me. No matter how many times I've clomped down a street, there's always some new detail to see. Today was no different. What caught my eye were the stepping stones. Very different from the ones I saw a couple of days ago. 

After admiring those, I looked up and starting laughing. There is a penguin lounging in a chair clearly having a delightful time. Considering the cold weather, it no doubt is perfect for her. The rest of the yard art in general is fun and well-placed too. Definitely worth another look when next the walk takes me there -- if I can remember what street and which block. Hmmmm.

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