Sunday, January 31, 2021

Frogs and snails and bears, oh my!

I've said it before and it bears repeating: walking around the neighborhood not only lets me steal ideas for my own yard, but it's just fun to see what other people are doing creatively. They are gifts to the street. Today was no different. There are just certain yards that make me smile or laugh out loud; there are yards that make me wish I had that talent and energy; there are yards that just blow me away. So yes, it is a requirement to share (it's the social media law so what can one do?). 

The frog with the mask (and a beret?):

A cheeky snail:

 A happy dolphin:

A topiary UCLA Bear (and it took me awhile before I figured out what that was -- should've know right away because they have a HUGE UCLA flag hung near the front door):

And last, but not least, an amazing yard with dynamic use of brick and broken concrete:



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