Wednesday, February 3, 2021

One more ramble...

While rambling around the neighborhood isn't the most productive thing I should be doing, it sure is entertaining. And given the weather still needs to warm up a bit to justify ducking under hedges and sitting in awkward, and some might say painful, positions, the work on the wall mosaic is not currently happening. Plus, the rambling has the joyful promise of running into neighbors and dogs that I otherwise would not get to see. Today was beautiful with full blue sky, clear air, and warm enough to be comfortable, but cool enough to encourage walking a distance. 

Fun as it is, walking the same streets over and over was starting to feel a bit monotonous, and "been there, done that" became a refrain that hummed in the brain. And then I saw them. How did I not notice these magnificent creatures before? After all, this street is very familiar and I've posted a couple of the more entertaining yards, that oddly enough were right across from these giants. 

Two enormous topiaries, which show patience and skill, not to mention a great sense of whimsy, were RIGHT THERE in the front of the house and somehow I just breezed by. Doh!

OK, this is an elephant. Can't see it? Go to the next picture:

I adore elephants and spent so much time with them when I was in Nepal. Washing them down in the river, feeding them, just talking to them...but I digress. The next topiary is even easier to identify:

And there we are. Who knew an elephant and a giraffe lived on a California street?


  1. Those are amazing! Love seeing your neighborhood treasures.
