Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Stonehenge in SoCal

Rambling around the neighborhood is good for the soul in so many ways. I'm nuts for dogs, so if I pass one I either have to give her an ear scratch or have a pleasant conversation with those talking to me (some quite loudly and enthusiastically) from behind a fence. I've discovered that most dogs who sound fierce are usually just seeking acknowledgement and generally settle right down if you tell them how gorgeous they are. But I digress.

Today was an especially fun ramble. I went far further afield than normal, seeking new streets to meander, and came upon a one block street hidden off a more major throughway. Couldn't resist a peek. First stop -- a beautiful dog who demanded to know who I was and what I was doing in her area. That brought out Mom and daughter who tried to calm her down. No worries, I said. I love dogs, she's beautiful, and do you think she'd like a biscuit? Why yes. And then all was kumbaya. Mom and daughter chatted for a bit, the dog sidled up for a head scratch, we parted amicably, and I went further down.

I noticed some large decorations being put up and realized they were a Mardi Gras theme. The two men working on the set-up had the additional good taste to have the sweetest little dog who was very excited to meet and greet, especially if it meant a superb ear rub. (And yes, now that you ask, I give terrific ear rubs. And butt scratches. For canines only). Again, a bit of a chat, where I ascertained they (the men, not the dog) were not from New Orleans, but liked to do an annual party, that during this age of the scourge, they reduced to a couple of tables in the front yard. I didn't take photos of their work because a. that would have been intrusive, and b. they weren't done yet. You'll just have to take my word that it was all shaping up to be very festive. 

Realizing I had wandered a bit too far and it was going to be an all uphill climb home, I frankly didn't look too hard for little yard treats, but came upon two that compelled me to stop for a moment. The first is a mosaic house number post. As you can no doubt tell, I'm drawn to all things tile and mosaic. Frankly it took me some time to figure out there was a number, and then what that number was, so if you really wanted the fire department to find your house quickly, that post wasn't going to do it. However, if you simply said there's an awesome mosaic post near the driveway, that would do the trick.

Almost home, and I've passed this house a million times, but it struck me that they had created a mini-Stonehenge. Well - not really, but the boulders could reasonably pass for a Druid circle. Stuck as they are in the otherwise flat lawn, for some reason it has a dynamic I found interesting. 

And thus ends another ramble that ends in lunch and a long nap. But tomorrow the weather is perfect to begin the mosaic on the long wall. Since rain is eluding us this year, might as well take advantage of the warm, dry weather.

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