Monday, February 22, 2021

OK - it's started

Today the weather is what SoCal is famous for. A balmy 75° in the afternoon was perfect for putting hands in ice cold rain water to clean tile prior to cutting for the huge wall project. Since I use a lot of castoff used tile, and store it anywhere it'll stack, it all needs to be cleaned prior to actually putting on a surface. I like to scrub down before I cut it too, because it reduces the amount of dirt in the tile saw water pump. 

Now, I don't intend to show every single step of the wall mosaic, but I did manage to get the outline of the central design done yesterday because the weather was absolutely perfect for working on it. However, ignore the scribbling within. What started as one idea has morphed into something different (I think -- maybe). It will probably change a dozen times before I actually get it done. At least, that's been my M.O. with every project so far. 

Of course, at this point, nobody can tell where we're headed with this. I'm not even sure I know....

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