Thursday, February 11, 2021

More gifts to the street

Feeling energetic (and regretting that impulse later), I went for my daily ramble, powering past a film crew taking up two enormous parking lots, and decided to strike out in a new direction. TBH, mainly I was just trying to avoid heading into the setting sun. Turns out, it was a good choice.

This time, the gifts to the street were a bit more subtle. Don't exactly know what drew my attention to the yard, but whatever it was revealed the most delightful pair of birds I've ever met.

Their expressions are quite cheeky. And then the next surprise, almost missed because of their placement. Say hello to bears and foxes:

It's really too bad the homeowners didn't cover the big pipe, but it's nice to know all the critters get along so well. (And yes, I am totally aware they are statues and not alive...but a girl can dream).

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