Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Halfway there...

In spite of dire warnings to the contrary, we were able to get our first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. The process was so smooth I almost couldn't believe it. Our appointments were at 1:15 and at 1:30 we were out the door and headed home. The hospital even gave people coming for the vaccine free parking. FREE PARKING! 

Ours was a walk in clinic as opposed to super sites which use the drive through method. Every step had a guide and it was clear that cleaning procedures were strictly followed just as distance procedures were adhered to. What struck me was how gracious everyone was, from the parking lot personnel to the last person assigned to check on you during the 15 minute wait after the shot was given. 

I'm afraid I was so pumped I was even more of a chatterbox than usual, bouncing in my seat for joy and grinning like a fool behind my mask. My partner in crime merely sat there quietly, sort of like an adult, through the process. 

The best part is...wait for it...the appointment for the second dose is already made. ALREADY MADE. We just have to show up. No navigating forms or websites or going crazy hoping we don't get beat out by someone quicker on the keyboard than we are. No worrying about whether there will be enough doses. The powers that be worked that all out in advance. Someone thought ahead. How cool/responsible is that? 

Not that I believe for one minute that our need to wear masks, keep away from crowds, and maintain good hand washing techniques will magically go away. I'm one of the we-have-to-adapt-to-a-new-normal group. Viruses don't magically disappear just because vaccines are invented (think flu) and of course, as we have already seen, viruses really seem to enjoy mutating. In fact, viruses seem to get a real kick out of keeping people guessing what new incarnation is coming down the pike. But all in all, even a small layer more of protection feels really good right about now.



  1. Yay!!!! So glad it was an easy process, too! Billy is getting his first dose this week at the VA in Brooklyn. Sue has yet to get an appt🙁. Chris and I figure maybe August for us....
