Friday, March 12, 2021

Front yard styles

My walks are good for many reasons. All the usual stuff like getting exercise, taking in fresh air, and seeing adorable dogs being walked by their guardians. And, of course, discovering treasures people put out for passersby. I have another secret though, and it's that I judge how well people are paying attention to the water situation here. The situation is we don't have water to spare on waste. Luckily for all the yards I go by, I only grade on a pass/fail scheme. 

Fail:  The sweeping lawn in front of a house. Even in parts of the world where water is more abundant, lawns take an inordinate amount of water to maintain. In semi-arid regions which experience frequent drought, they are...unwise. Very nice to look at, mind you, but require too much water.

Pass:  All the people with drip irrigation, rock gardens or drought tolerant plantings that reflect our water situation. 

Minimalism with fun curves:

Hardcore desert plantings that show beautiful forms:


Drought tolerant succulents and native plants that can withstand serious heatwaves still look lush without sucking up so much water:


And last, the people who just try to grown their own veggies (which is a post for another day since the squirrels around here pretty much destroy everything, the little scamps):

And with that, I shall sit back and enjoy the bit of rain we're getting today.

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