Thursday, March 11, 2021

I REALLY want to know what's behind this

Another walk, and more discoveries. And I really want to know the stories behind these signs.

The first house is a modest place with an uninspiring yard. But there's an intriguing sign:

Can you pick it out? Hint: under the window. And here's the closeup:

If this is a serious threat, one has to wonder how many times dogs trespassed. Does that simply mean they peed on the bushes or pooped on the patchy grass? Do the dogs hang out at night smoking and playing cards? What would prompt this sign? Inquiring minds want to know.

Now this sign is more lighthearted and made me laugh:

Can't say I disagree. And they have a nice front porch to perch on too.

My solution for the dog trespassers are these dinosaurs. Maybe they'll keep marauding dogs at bay:

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