Monday, April 26, 2021

Nellie and Nick sitting by my side

Nick is Nellie's smaller counterpart. We see him and his human frequently on walks and Nick was one of the first dogs Nellie met outside the home. Now Nick couldn't have been a better match -- he's the ultimate in chill and savoir faire. And even more importantly, he is the pinnacle of doggie cuteness (after Nellie of course - though some might argue he's even cuter). Judge for yourself:

Now here's how I know they are soul mates: both Nellie and Nick sniff noses for roughly 3.2 seconds, look at the two humans, promptly sit or lie down, and wait patiently for us to stop yakking. Once the goodbyes are said, they both get up, nod to each other as if to say "FINALLY" and flounce off. It totally makes my day!

More Nick to enjoy (and nobody will need cookies after all this sweetness):

C'est tout mes amis.

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